Right to Information
1.Applications seeking information under the RTI Act, 2005 may be sent along with the prescribed fee i.e. Indian Rs.10/- in cheque or demand draft favoring Consulate General of India, Erbil or in equivalent US Dollars/local currency. (The rate of exchange for a particular month may be ascertained from the Consulate).
2. The information provided under the Act is available to citizens of India only. Applications should be submitted along with the documentary proof of Indian citizenship [like copy of personal particulars pages of passport]. More information is available at https://rti.gov.in.
3.As per section 6[1] [a] of the RTI Act, 2005, a person who desires to obtain information under the Act is required to submit the application to the Information Officer of the ‘concerned Public Authority’. Applicants are, therefore, advised to send their requests under the RTI Act to the Consulate only when the subject matter can reasonably be presumed to pertain to the Consulate. While section 6[3] provides for the transfer of an application by a receiving PIO to another [concerned] PIO, this is clearly meant to cover situations where the application is addressed to a PIO on the assumption that it has been directed to the concerned PIO. Where the information required obviously does not pertain to the Consulate, the application may be addressed to the concerned PIO directly.
Payment of RTI fee online - Electronic Indian Postal Order (e-IPO)
The scheme of Electronic Indian Postal Order (e-IPO) has been launched by the Department of Posts, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, in association with Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT). This would enable the Indian citizens abroad to pay the RTI fee online. An Indian Postal Order can be purchased electronically by paying a fee on-line through e-Post Office Portal or through India Post website. The web-links for payment are:
1. https://www.indiapost.gov.in
2. https://www.epostoffice.gov.in
The contact details for addressing applications under Right to Information Act, 2005 are given below:
Public Information Officer (PIO) |
First Appellate Authority (FAA) |
Shri Santosh Kumar |
Shri Madan Gopal |
Information about the Consulate General of India, Erbil as required under Section 4(1)(b) of the RTI, Act, 2005 |
1 |
Vision, Mission and Key Objectives |
The Consulate is headed by Consul General and has following Wings: (1) Consular, (2) Political (3) Administration (4) Commercial (5) Education and Culture. The vision of the Post is to function within the norms of India’s Foreign Policy formulated by the Ministry of External Affairs. The key objective is to provide all consular related assistance like providing passport, Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) to the people of Indian Origin, consular facilities to the Indian diaspora present in the Erbil in Kurdistan Region and VISA services to the Foreign Nationals to visit India. |
2 |
Function and Duties |
The functions of the Consulate, inter alia, include development of relations between India and Kurdistan Region of Iraq, Cultural exchanges, promotion of economic, trade and commercial relations, issue of Passports, Visas, Consular services and OCI cards. The Consulate functions within the purview of Business allocated to the Ministry of External Affairs under the Government of India’s Allocation of Business Rules and Transaction of Business Rules and under the supervision of the Embassy of India, Baghdad |
3 |
Powers and duties of officers and employees; |
General Administrative powers are derived from IFS (PLCA) Rules, as amended from time to time. Financial powers of the Officers of the Consulate have been detailed in the Delegated Financial Powers of the Government of India’s Representative Abroad. Powers regarding Consular and Passport, Visa, etc. are derived from the Consular, Passport and Visa Manuals. The officers/officials of the Post function under the guidance and supervision of the Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India through the Embassy of India, Baghdad. |
4 |
Procedure followed in the decision making process, including |
Decisions are taken under the extant Rules and supervision of the Consul General. |
5 |
Channels of supervision and accountability |
Channel of supervision as per Organization Chart. (Annexure – I) |
6 |
Norms set for discharge of functions |
Norms are set under the instructions and supervision of the Consul General. |
7 |
The rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records, held by it or under its control or used by its employees for discharging its functions |
IFS (PLCA) Rules, Delegated Financial Powers of Government of India’s Representative Abroad, Consular Manual, Passport Manual, Visa Manual, Manuals on Office Procedures and other Central Government Rules and manuals published by the Government of India. |
8 |
Categories of documents held by authority under its control |
Documents/files relating to bilateral relations, Cultural and Commercial activities, Passport and Consular services including records of Passports, Consular and Visa services rendered and related circulars |
9 |
Custodian of documents/ categorise |
The following documents are held by the Post: |
10 |
Boards, Councils, Committees and other Bodies constituted as part of the Public Authority |
CGI Erbil is not part of any Boards, Council and Committee etc. under its purview/jurisdiction. However Consulate interacts regularly with Indian diaspora including an association of constituted by Indians known as ‘Association of Indians in Kurdistan’. |
11 |
A directory of its officers and employees; |
The directory of officials is given at Annexure - II |
12 |
Monthly remuneration received by each of its officers and employees, including the system of compensation |
A statement of monthly remuneration is at Annexure - III |
13 |
No. of employees against whom Disciplinary action has been proposed/take |
No disciplinary proceedings has been proposed or pending against any officer/official of CGI, Erbil |
14 |
Programmes to advance understanding of RTI |
All officers/officials of the Post are always sensitized about the RTI Act 2005. Members of the Post are always encouraged to participate in the online courses conducted by the Ministry of External Affairs from time to time. |
15 |
Transfer policy and transfer orders |
Transfer policies/orders are dealt in by the Ministry of External Affairs |
16 |
The budget allocated to each of its agency, indicating the particulars of all plans, proposed expenditures and reports on disbursements made; |
The Budget figures for the current financial year 2023-24 are given in the statement at Annexure - IV |
17 |
Budget utilization during Financial Year 2022-23: |
18 |
Foreign and domestic Tours by ministries and officials of the rank of Joint Secretary to the Government and above, as well as the heads of the Department (a) Places visited, (b) The period of visit, (c) The number of members in the official delegation, (d) Expenditure on the visit |
No any visit took place in Kurdistan Region during the Financial Year 2024-25 |
19 |
Manner of execution of subsidy programmes, including the amounts allocated and the details of beneficiaries of such programme |
The Consulate does not have any subsidy programme. |
20 |
Discretionary and non-discretionary grants |
Consulate has no discretionary and non-discretionary grants |
21 |
Particulars of recipients of concessions, permits or authorizations granted by the public authority |
No concessions/permits are granted by the Consulate. |
22 |
CAG & PAC Paras |
No such para in place |
23 |
Particulars for any arrangement for consultation with or representation by the members of the public in relation to the formulation of policy or implementation thereof |
Consulate functions within the norms of India’s Foreign Policy formulated by the Ministry of External Affairs. Policy is implemented by the Consulate under the guidance and supervision of the Consul General. The members of the public are always encouraged to express their opinions and offer ideas during various interactions between the Consulate and the public and the same are duly taken into consideration while framing policies by the Consulate. |
24 |
Details in respect of the information, available to or held by it, reduced in an electronic form; |
The Consulate’s website has the required information. |
25 |
Dissemination of information widely and in such form and manner which is easily accessible to the public |
Information is accessible to the public on Consulate’s website https://www.cgierbil.gov.in and Social media handles; Facebook and Twitter |
26 |
The particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information, including the working hours of a library or reading room, if maintained for public use; |
All relevant information is made available through the Consulate’s website, social media, email and telephone call. |
27 |
Annual Report |
Published by the Ministry of External Affairs and available at |
28 |
Receipt & Disposal of RTI applications & appeals |
Application received- 1 |
29 |
Replies to questions asked in the Parliament |
Inputs to all parliament questions pertaining to the Post are provided to Ministry in timely manner. |
30 |
Name & details of – (b) Earlier CPIOs & FAAs from 1.1.2015 |
Central Public Information Officer (CPIO) First Appellate Authority (FAA) The Consulate opened in 2016 only. Details of CPIO and FAA since opening of the Consulate are at Annexure - V |
31 |
Data in respect of deaths in Kurdistan Region of Iraq as on 31st October 2022 |
32 |
Details of third party audit of voluntary disclosure – (a) Dates of audit carried out, (b) Report of the audit carried out |
Third party audit carried out for 2021-22 and the report is available on CIC portal |
33 |
Consultancy committee of key stake holders for advice on suo-motu disclosure (a) Dates from which constituted, (b) Name & Designation of the officers |
Post invariably consult Ministry of External Affairs for any such issues |
34 |
Whether STQC certification obtained and its validity |
Yes, STQC certification has been obtained and its validity is for 2 years. |
35 |
Does the website show the certificate on the Website? |
STQC Certificate No. STQC-IT(Kol)/ES/EMBI/222314/1381 dated 09/06/2023 |
36 |
Such other information as may be prescribed and thereafter update these publications every year; |
Information is available on Consulate’s website http://www.cgierbil.gov.in which is updated on a regular basis. |