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Indian Council for Culutral Relations (ICCR) has offered Senior and Junior Fellowships to foreign scholars to pursue Post-Doctoral research in Indian universities in various fields, including Hindi Language. The fellowship programmes are of the duration of 3 months and 12 months. Selected candidates would be provided return ticket on excursion fare and monthly stipend of Rs. 150,000 and Rs.50,000/- for senior and junior fellowship programmes respectively. Terms and conditions for the fellowship programmes may be perused at Anenxure-I(Click here). Hindi Scholars residing in the jurisdiction of this Consulate i.e. Kurdistan Region and Ninevah Province of Iraq may like to submit their applications in the enclosed proforma (Click here) for the same to the Consulate. The same may either be deliverred to Mr. Satya Veer Singh, Consul or emailed at hoc.erbil@mea.gov.in by 12 may 2018.